
Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange Security Platform Meets C5 Requirements of BSI

Global cloud security leader awarded accreditation with the BSI’s strict catalogue of requirements for cloud computing providers and shows commitment to built on federal agency standards

München, Germany, 8月, 23, 2022

München, 23. August 2022 - Zscaler, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZS), the leader in cloud security, has received confirmation of its compliance with the requirements of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) C5 catalogue for cloud infrastructure across its 150 global data centers, as approved by an independent auditor. The BSI's current C5 standard covers 125 requirements in 17 areas and builds on ISO 27001 and 27017 certifications to provide authorities and companies with detailed information on the operation, availability and organization of the information security and physical security of tested cloud providers. The report demonstrates Zscaler‘sTM ongoing commitment to maintaining the security controls required to operate its Zero Trust ExchangeTM cloud infrastructure, building on federal agency standards.

The Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue (C5) specifies the minimum information security requirements of a cloud service provider. Organizations thus receive transparency when it comes to the security controls of a prospective cloud service, which can be used for the selection of the provider as well as for their own risk management and assessment. In order to support the insight of customers, the C5 report lists information about the general operating conditions, availability and incidence handling, as well as the location of the provider‘s data centers and subcontracting partners. Through the compliance audit, Zscaler's global security cloud has demonstrated that it meets the requirements for cloud providers that German authorities and public institutions must take into account when selecting a provider.

“We have added the BSI C5 attestation to our wide range of globally recognised independently audited certifications for the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange,” comments Marc Lueck, CISO EMEA. “This new external report adds further evidence to the fact that the Zscaler  cloud is already leading, both from a provision of security standpoint as well as for the security of our platform itself and gives customers the confidence they are seeking in their selection process.”

"Zscaler as the leading cloud security company continues to build out our global compliance portfolio, C5 was viewed as a critical certification to in order support the German government and companies.  We believe the C5 criteria catalogue provides authorities and companies with guidance for the selection of a provider," says Kumar Severaj, Senior Director of Compliance at Zscaler Inc. "Our available processes, policies and measures with regard to the required security of the cloud offering have been examined on the basis of the C5 catalogue of requirements, so that authorities and increasingly more privately organised institutions can use them for their own risk assessment."

The Zscaler cloud platform delivers a validated solution to public and private organizations to securely access cloud, internet, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications from any device or location while meeting or exceeding government requirements and the latest addition of an attestation builds on recent Zscaler certifications including:

  • ZIA™ achieved FedRAMP-High Authorization
  • ZPA™ achieved FedRAMP-High JAB Authorization
  • ZIA™ received Authorization to Operate (ATO) at the Moderate Impact level

Further information about Zscaler’s certification can be found on the compliance website.

Zscaler™ and the other trademarks listed at https://www.zscaler.com/legal/trademarks are either (i) registered trademarks or service marks or (ii) trademarks or service marks of Zscaler, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Any other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.


ゼットスケーラー(NASDAQ: ZS)は、より効率的で、俊敏性や回復性に優れたセキュアなデジタル トランスフォーメーションを加速しています。Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™プラットフォームは、ユーザー、デバイス、アプリケーションをどこからでも安全に接続させることで、数多くのお客様をサイバー攻撃や情報漏洩から保護しています。世界150拠点以上のデータ センターに分散されたSSEベースのZero Trust Exchange™は、世界最大のインライン型クラウド セキュリティ プラットフォームです。


Karin Gall、EMEA広報マネージャー[email protected]

Natalia Wodecki、グローバル統合コミュニケーション&PR担当シニア ディレクター、[email protected]